

High Skills in the Top 5% of the best SMEs in Portugal 2023

High Skills was recognized by Scoring, the responsible entity that certifies that the company complied with the requirements of the Performance and Financial Solidity Index above 80% according to the ScorePME method, with the certification "Top 5% Best SMEs in Portugal", in 2023 edition.
The excellence of operational and financial management demonstrated by High Skills - Training and Consulting deserves praise from SCORING to the management team and all employees. We hope that this will be an incentive for you to continue raising the company to a higher level.
This certification highlights the quality of the company's management, the excellence of the team and the trust of its customers.
Find out more about the certification at https://scoring.pt/top5/
Previous SCORING certifications:
- TOP 5% BEST SMES IN PORTUGAL, 2022 Edition
- TOP 5% BEST SMES IN PORTUGAL, 2021 Edition
- TOP 5% BEST SMES IN PORTUGAL, 2020 Edition