

Banking Secrecy

General objectives:
Bank secrecy as one of the aspects of professional secrecy, has specific characteristics and rules that are essential to know whether the ethical level and the legal level.
Taking into account the importance of compliance with these rules, this training responds pragmatically to issues related to this topic.

Specific objectives:
At the end of the course the professionals will be able:
• Understand the importance of banking secrecy and its implications;
• Know the differences between the Portuguese legal system and Angola on the subject of banking secrecy;
• Know the implications of the violation of the Bank Secrecy;
• Distinguish situations where the Bank Secrecy does not apply.


Module I - Banking Secrecy
  • Professional Secrecy;
  • Bank Secrecy Objective.
Module II - Legal System Portuguese and Angolan of the Banking Secrecy
  • Subject matter and object of the Banking Secrecy
Module III - Banking Secrecy Duty Waiver
  • Dispensation As for Facts of Life of Credit Institutions;
  • Voluntary Dismissal by the Customer;
  • Exemption in relations with specific entities;
  • Exemption in Process-Crime Scope;
  • Other Bank Secrecy Waiver situations.
Module IV - Searches and Apprehensions in Banking Institutions
  • Searches
  • Apprehensions
Module V - Sanctions Arising from Bank Secrecy Infringement
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe

Next date: consult us
Duration: 12 Horas
Investment: Consulte-nos!
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