Financial Markets
General objectives:
This course aims to give professionals the knowledge about operation, products and techniques analysis used in financial markets.
Specific objectives:
At the end of the course, professionals are able to:
- Understand the operation of financial markets in Portugal, including the legal framework, and its main financial institutions;
- Describe the organization and operation of the main segments of the financial market;
- Identify main financial products, its potential and risks;
- Understand methodologies and analysis techniques of the binomial profitability/risk the main financial products.
Module I – Introduction
- The savings-investment circuit
- Functions of financial markets
- The segmentation of financial markets
- Intermediation, disintermediation and re-intermediation Financial
- Analysis of factors affecting the financial markets
- Concept of Profitability, Risk and Diversification
- Portuguese financial system organization
- Credit institutions
- Finance corporation
- Other financial institutions
- Oversight institutions of the financial system
- General information on liquidity, return and risk
- Different types of financial assets; concept and characterization
- Notion of transferable securities
- Targeting short-term markets
- The interbank money market
- The interbank bond market
- Typical financial products money market:
- Treasury bills
- Commercial paper
- Certificates of deposit
- Primary market: stocks and bonds Emissions
- Secondary market: Stock exchanges
- Exchange Market, OTC and special markets
- Trading Principles in Exchange
- Formation of prices mode
- Exchange orders
- Settlement operations
- Stock Exchange Special Operations
- Instruments of medium and long term
- Public debt securities
- Ações: Caraterização, Tipos de ações, Índices de ações e Aumentos de Capital e seus cálculos
- Actions: characterization, types of shares, shares indices and Capital Increases and their calculations
- Obligations: Characterization and Key Concepts
- Interest rate risk and credit risk types of bonds
- Investment funds
- Futures Market
- Characterization
- Agents involved
- Characteristics of futures contracts
- The Portuguese derivatives market
- The types of operations in futures markets
- Options Market
- Concept and types of options
- Rights and obligations of options contracts
- Class options
- Valuation of options
- Intrinsic value and time
- Value Determinants
- Operations of fixing the term interest: FRA's (Forward Rate Agreements)
- Shares Assessment
- Fundamental analysis vs. technical analysis
- Valuation models based on financial ratios
- Bond Evaluation
- Theoretical price of a bond
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
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Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe