

Technical Cost Reduction via Online Learning

General Objectives:
This Course aims to equip participants with the skills to analyze strategic cost management processes and to equate the problems posed by their implementation.

Specific Obejctives:
At the conclusion of this Course participants should be able to:
  • Understand the contribution and results provided by cost control methods based on Activity Analysis;
  • Introduce a cost control and cost reduction system in the company.


Module 0 - Presentation of the Platform and Method of Use

Module I - The changing business environment
  • The evolution of market characteristics, demand, production and distribution processes;
  • New ways of organizing production and distribution;
  • The need for cost systems that are a faithful reflection of the production and distribution proesses;
  • Analysis of the business environment;
  • The inevitability and added value of change.
Module II - Activity-based management system
  • The Reason for the Activities;
  • Analysis of the Activities;
  • Activities of an industrial company;
  • The cost of the activity;
  • Calculating the cost of an activity;
  • Allocation of the cost of the Activity;
  • Case studies.
Module III - Activity based costing abc- activity based costing
  • Definition and associated concepts;
  • Cost calculations using the ABC method;
  • Costs per Activity/Costs per Product;
  • Using the ABC" costs in the management of activities;
  • Application of the management control technique;
  • Case Studies.
Module IV - Activity-based management - abm- activity based management
  • Definition and associated concepts;
  • Activity management as a cost control system;
  • Methodologies for ABM implementation;
  • ABM and the Management Information Systems;
  • Application of the management control technique;
  • Case Studies.


High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe

Next date: consult us
Duration: 18 Horas
Investment: Consulte - nos!
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