Business and Real Investment Design and Valuation
General Objectives:
At the end of the course, trainees should be able to analyze a company, from the economic and financial accounting elements, in the various areas of business risk, both from the point of view of the entrepreneur, as well as the creditor or the entrepreneur and should also be able to analyze a company or an investment, from the economic and financial accounting elements and other relevant sources to be defined on a case-by-case basis. The investment decision is one of the most important strategic options, both for the promoter company and for all stakeholders involved, namely partners / shareholders, banks and other creditors, employees, etc.
For this purpose, they should be able to develop, in Excel, an economic and financial model for a chosen business. They should be able to calculate a rating based on quantitative and qualitative criteria according to the proposed model.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this Course participants will be able to:
- Understand the scope, importance, classification and phases of an Investment Project;
- Perform the Economic Feasibility Analysis of the Investment Project, from different perspectives;
- Understand, relate and make the economic and financial diagnosis of the Investment Project, and its impact on the Forecast Financial Statements.
Module I - Economic and Financial Analysis of Business Risk
Module II - Evaluation / Analysis of an Investment Project - (Business Optics)
Module III - Diagnosis of the Project's Forecast Solvency
Module IV - Valuation of Businesses and Real Investments
Module II - Evaluation / Analysis of an Investment Project - (Business Optics)
Module III - Diagnosis of the Project's Forecast Solvency
Module IV - Valuation of Businesses and Real Investments
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe