

Investment Funds - Profitability and Risk

General Objectives:

This Course aims to sensitize participants to the fundamental aspects and characteristics of collective investment , in its various forms, and which has had a great development, becoming today one of the major sources of fundraising through financial disintermediation.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
  • Characterize the various types of Investment Funds taking into account the nature of investments and forms of remuneration and variability of capital;
  • Introduce the new Investment Funds
  • Define the concept of profitability and risk in these investment vehicles;
  • Know the various measures of performance evaluation of this type of financial assets.


Module I - Introduction and Concepts

Module II - Special Investment Funds

Module III - Return on Investment Funds

Module IV - Risk Assessment Measures

Module V - Performance Evaluation

Module VI - The Prospectus of an Investment Fund

Module VII - Conclusions and Closure

High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe

Next date: consult us
Duration: 12 horas
Investment: Consulte - nos!
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