Balance Sheet Analysis and Budgeting
General Objectives:
This course aims to provide tools for balance sheet analysis and annual budget construction.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the course trainees will be able to:
- Identify the various techniques of balance sheet analysis;
- Apply the various techniques of balance sheet analysis;
- Identify the stages of creating the annual budget;
- Determine variances and analyze them.
Module I - Economic and financial analysis of the balance sheet
- Structure of the Balance Sheet;
- Analysis criteria;
- Graphical analysis of the Balance Sheet;
- Statement of Source and Application of Funds;
- Structure of the Statement of Source and Application of Funds;
- Indicators or Ratios Method;
- Financial Profitability;
- Financial Balance.
Module II - Budget management
- Programs and Budgets;
- Methodology of Annual Budgeting;
- Budget Monitoring.
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe