Finance for Non-Financials - Online
General Objectives:
This course aims to provide participants who do not have a background in finance and economics, with basic knowledge at this level in order to understand the financial and economic information of companies and successfully perform their functions.
Specific Objectives
Specific Objectives
At the end of this Course participants will know how to:
- Analyze financial statements;
- Analyze the interest of analysis and cost allocation methods;
- Participate in the discussion and preparation of the budget;
- Prepare and understand information relevant to the analysis of investment decisions.
Module 0 - Presentation of the Platform and Method of Use
Module I - The financial information
- Balance Sheet - Reading and interpretation;
- Financial Structure;
- Liquidity;
- Solvency;
- Financial Equilibrium;
- Operating Cycle and its Impact on Financial Analysis.
Module II - The Economic Information
- Income Statement: Reading and interpretation;
- Profitability Analysis;
- Social;
- Owners;
- Exploration;
- Integrated;
- Risk Assessment;
- Operational;
- Financial and CVR analysis;
- Total;
- Cost Analysis - Critical Sales Point;
- Budget Process;
- Treasury;
- Financial;
- Financial Plan.
Module III - Methods of analysis of investment projects
- Constant and Current Prices;
- Payback;
- NPV;
- IRR;
- PRI;
- IRP.
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe