

Rolling Forecast Dynamic Goal Setting via Online Learning

General Objectives:
The course aims to present the conceptual basis on which controlling is based, focusing on management processes within a systemic approach. In this context, the course aims to enable the participant to identify the driving and indispensable elements for creating value by optimizing business results through the main tools used in decision-making processes in companies.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will know
  • Know the principles, concepts, techniques and best practices;
  • Be able to apply them immediately in practice, improving the accuracy of their forecasts;
  • Know how to measure deviations using correct technical criteria;
  • Identify what is working and what is not, and correct your forecasting procedures.


Module 0 - Presentation of the Platform and Method of Use

Module I - The budget as a component and extension of the general forecasting process

Module II - The advantages of the rolling forecast
  • An on-the-go option;
  • A continuous vision of the business;
  • The elimination of the December-January timetable.
Module III - The budget as a changeable process and its importance for executives

Module IV - Responding quickly to the dynamic changes affecting the business

Module V - Replacing the annual budget and the importance of major changes

Module VI - Budgeting on a quarterly basis and the six criteria
  • Coordination between the various functions;
  • Realistic and serious planning;
  • The strategic vision of the business.
Module VII - The future quarterly forecast

Module VIII - The rolling forecast and the decentralization of participation in its implementation

High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe

Next date: consult us
Duration: 18 Horas
Investment: Consulte-nos!
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