The intent of the Program to Support Development in the High Skills Career is to support participants in managing their careers, allowing them to identify where they are and where they want to go and that ways have to go through to get it.
The Support Program Evolution in High Skills Career thus allows each participant, an analysis of your personal and professional goals and acquiring specific techniques to enhance the skills needed to achieve their goals.
The different modules of the program, participants will have the opportunity to develop resources and skills that promote individual change and acquire techniques to face the professional challenges successfully.
This program aims to advise and guide professionals in professional phase shift.
During the Professional software is supported on reflection, planning, management and redirect your career and prepared for the recruitment and selection processes, thereby increasing the chances of success.
Recipients: Professional Employees wishing to change jobs or unemployment situation.
The program consists of 8 sessions Individual lasting 2 hours / session.
1st - Self Analysis: align interests and employment opportunities.
2nd - Analysis of personal and professional profile: identifying values, resources and skills and motivating points and improve.
3rd - Action Plan: guiding the definition of goals and objectives, identifying the target market and professional possibilities.
4th - Attractive materials development for the market: analysis and preparation of CV (in Portuguese and English), a list of references, portfolio, etc) and can be in person or at a distance.
5th. Dissemination channels: guidance on the various dissemination channels (job boards, headhunters, companies, social networks, etc.).
6th. Preparation of strategies for the market: practical preparation for the interview process / selective, guidance on personnel marketing, networking and salary negotiation.
Angola, Mozambique and Portugal