Specialization MINI-MBA in Human Resource Management with Excel Tool applied to Human Resources-NEW
The course of Human Resources aims to:
- Enable for the operational management of human resources;
- Develop capabilities for the design of integrated strategies (psychosocial, cultural, technical and economic-financial) management and human resource development, organizational and social level;
- Promote skills of analysis and definition of human resource policies at the organizational and social levels (local, regional and national);
- Optimize the decisions of managers and directors of HR to HR management level, using the full potential of Excel and Excel transforming information into effective information to support decision-making.
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
- Identify the different types of remuneration, salaries and compulsory deductions;
- Differentiate certain forward contracts, uncertain and indeterminate;
- Knowing the renewal terms, effects of expiry of complaints and legal prior notice of the same types of contracts;
- Know how to calculate the payroll, with the respective allowances and deductions, applying the limits laid down in the Labour Code;
- Know how to calculate the indemnity rights of dependent employees, differentiated by the type of employment;
- Know how to calculate the annual wage bill and interpret it as Head of Human Resources, in order to have valid options and benefits in possible recruitment;
- Identify processes of internal and external recruitment - advantages and disadvantages. Frame the selection of personnel in the organization;
- Recognize the importance of ethics in recruitment and selection processes;
- Identify the steps of the curriculum analysis, as well as the various tests that are part of the selection of employees;
- Know generally the components of a performance management system and the importance of defining individual goals;
- Identify various forms of education and existing solutions within the personal development;
- Prepare and structure Excel templates adapted to different needs and HR processes;
- Optimize the calculations related to training by creating training dossiers and reports and organizing information through Excel;
- Structuring and organizing a framework of HR indicators, facilitating periodic review and achieved goals viewing;
- Plan, design and implement a performance evaluation by applying the Excel capabilities.
Module 0 – Opening
- Presentation of trainers and trainees;
- Presentation of the objectives and training program operating methodologies.
- Enquadramento – a Gestão de Projetos aplicado aos Recursos Humanos;
- As ferramentas de gestão de projetos;
- Gestão e Registo;
- Exercício de aplicação prática.
- Basic Law and Legal Binding System;
- Family benefits;
- Calculation System and Reform:
- Old age;
- Anticipated.
- Compensation maps;
- Mandatory contributions;
- Analysis of case studies, applying local laws.
- IRT;
- Allowances;
- Subsidies;
- Exemptions and benefits;
- Tax rules Calculation of Compensation;
- Analysis of case studies, applying local laws.
- The Single Register of Labor;
- Examples of organizations;
- Exercises Payroll Processing Practical;
- Map of Overtime;
- Support payroll software;
- Preparation and Implementation of Performance Evaluation Systems;
- Objectives and Performance Evaluation of Strategies;
- Methods and performance assessment instruments;
- The Performance Assessment Interview;
- Attendance control – methods and techniques;
- Management of absenteeism;
- Analysis of case studies and practical exercises.
- Elaboration of rules / code of conduct / ethics / Corporate Responsibility;
- Minutes of work contracts;
- Disciplinary proceedings:
- Deadlines;
- Reports.
- Fulfillment of legal obligations:
- Mandatory reporting;
- Deadlines.
- Rules and preventive measures in place of general inspection work;
- The Qualifier:
- Career Management.
- Case studies and practical exercises, applying local laws.
- Planning, Design and Performance Evaluation of Implementation in Excel:
- Worksheet definition according to the data, parameters and performance evaluation of variables;
- Application of Excel tools in Performance Assessment context;
- As detailed analyzes based on the results of typology:
- Statistical analysis, graphical analysis and content analysis;
- Dashboards as indicators of evaluation;
- Forced distributions;
- Organized presentation of the resulting information.
- Excel as a tool for Revision Holding Salary
- Create pivot tables to synthesize information;
- Tables of a Single Input, a Multiple Input and tables Two Inputs with Filter Criteria Range;
- Make decisions based on graphical analysis and automatic calculations;
- The importance of information protection: Methodologies.
- Administrative management - Automation calculations in Excel
- Automating repetitive administrative procedures;
- Creation of simulators for automatic performing calculations;
- Macro creation for performing repetitive processes;
- Creating simulators to avoid redundancies:
- Social Security calculation;
- Change in net earnings;
- Compensation in the event of leaving the company.
- Monitoring indicators of human resources based on Excel
- Creating an Indicator Monitoring Framework:
- Periodic review and Immediate View of the State of achievement of objectives : Deviations identification;
- Identification of Strategic Objectives based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology;
- Operationalization of Deployment Goals in Excel;
- Planning Registration of collected data;
- Types of indicators and their operationalization in Excel;
- Alarm introduction through the Conditional Formatting.
- Assess and evaluate the knowledge acquired.
- Evaluation of the Specialization Mini-MBA: trainers and trainees.
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe