

SPECIALIZATION MINI-MBA in Corporate Finance - Financial Managements and Investment Projects

This Specialization Mini-MBA will focus on the main issues included in financial area of an organization (with particular emphasis on investment options, management of short, medium and long term financing, treasury management and valuation of companies) in order to provide complete mastery of the most relevant aspects in each of them.

This Specialization Mini-MBA aims to provide and update skills to enable master key aspects of corporate finance, particularly in the context of investment projects, financing and control.

At the end of this Specialization Mini-MBA participants will:

  • Knowing that consist of and what are the main functions in an organization;
  • To know what is the Financial Management and its main objectives;
  • Able to evaluate companies;
  • Knowing how analysis of investment projects;
  • Knowing how the Investment financing options;
  • Be aware of the most important aspects involved in the planning and management control;
  • Be aware of the specifics of a budgetary procedure;
  • How to manage short-term corporate finance.


Module 0 – Opening
  • Presentation of trainers and trainees;
  • Presentation of goals and training Saturday Action operating methodologies.
Module I – “Investment Avaluation”
  • Introduction:
  • Investment Projects:
Module II – “Long-Term Financing”
  • Introduction;
  • Shareholders' equity:
  • Capital Borrowed:
  • Investment with debt – Evaluation.
Module III – “Planning and Control”
  • The Planning
  • The Management Control.
Module IV – “Company Avaluation”
  • Introduction;
  • Discounted cash flow (DCF);
  • Economic Value Added (EVA).
Module V – “Financial Management Corporate Short-Term”
  • Manage availability:
  • Short term investments;
  • Customers and its management;
  • Short-term debt. 
Module VI – Proof of knowledge
  • To assess and evaluate the knowledge acquired.
Module VII – Closing
  • Evaluation of the Specialization Mini-MBA: trainers and trainees.
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
Angola | Cabo- Verde | Moçambique | Portugal | S. Tomé e Princípe

Next date: consult us
Duration: 50 Horas
Investment: Consulte - nos!
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