Finance for Non-Financiers
General Objectives:
This course aims to provide participants who do not have a background in finance and economics, with basic knowledge at this level in order to understand the financial and economic information of companies and successfully perform their functions.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this Course participants will know how to:
- Analyze financial statements;
- Analyze the interest of analysis and cost allocation methods;
- Participate in the discussion and preparation of the budget;
- Prepare and understand information relevant to the analysis of investment decisions.
Module I - The financial information
- Balance Sheet - Reading and interpretation;
- Financial Structure;
- Liquidity;
- Solvency;
- Financial Equilibrium;
- Operating Cycle and its Impact on Financial Analysis
Module II - The Economic Information
- Income Statement: Reading and interpretation;
- Profitability Analysis;
- Social;
- Owners;
- Exploration;
- Integrated;
- Risk Assessment;
- Operational;
- Financial and CVR analysis;
- Total;
- Cost Analysis - Critical Sales Point;
- Budget Process;
- Treasury;
- Financial;
- Financial Plan.
Module III - Methods of analysis of investment projects
- Constant and Current Prices;
- Payback;
- NPV;
- IRR;
- PRI;
- IRP.
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
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