

Positive Psychology for Burnout Prevention

 General objectives:
The complexity of organizational and social contexts has evolved exponentially, implying, for greater effectiveness and efficiency, that teams increase and diversify their way of acting. Daily emergencies and the pressure felt in everyday life require professionals to work in a coordinated way in cohesive, flexible, resilient and creative teams, oriented towards existing solutions and resources. Such a posture implies that professionals are up-to-date from a technical point of view, but also attentive to their emotions - not infrequently we feel that the energy of the first few years in the active is exhausted: fatigue arises, disenchantment and even questioning the relevance of their work.
The training plan presented is based on the approaches of Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, whose research and application in the contexts of emotions management, burnout prevention and welfare promotion, teamwork and organizational change, have shown results with positive impact on the involvement of professionals and their subjective well-being.

Specific objectives:

At the end of this course the trainees were able to:
  • To know the explanatory models of Stress and Burnout;
  • To know the concept of Emotional Intelligence and its applicability to help professionals;
  • Identify the stress level of each trainee (individual activity);
  • Recognize the importance of Emotion Management in the Professional context;
  • Identify possible strategies, individually, to promote well-being and prevent burnout;
  • Identify team strategies to promote wellness and prevent Burnout situation;
  • To know the Cycle of Change of Prochaska and Di Clemente and identify the stadium in which it is, against Burnout
  • Define a plan of change and coping adapted to the individuality of each trainee (individual activity)


 Module I - Burnout: The Phantom of Welfare
Module II - Emotions: A Palette of Colors of Feeling
Module III - Managing Emotions: In Search of Quality of Life
Module IV - Cycle of Change: The Way Goes Walking
Module V - Change Plans: I'll do it now
Module VI - The Company, my Career and I

High Skills - Training and Consulting
Angola | Cape Verde | Mozambique | Portugal | São Tomé and Principe

Next date: consult us
Duration: 18 Horas
Investment: Consulte-nos
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