Forecast Financial Statement Projection in Excel
General Objectives:
This Course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to enable them to make financial statement projections in Excel.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this Course participants will know how to:
- Use the Argos Forecast financial projections spreadsheet to prepare financial statement projections;
- Calculate the value of the analyzed company by the discounted cash flow method using the Argos Forecast spreadsheet;
- Elaborate alternative scenarios and do sensitivity analyses, using the advanced features of Excel applied to Argos Forecast;
- Correctly use Excel features to elaborate electronic spreadsheets;
- Audit the models and track conceptual and formula errors.
Module I – Introduction
Module II - Defining the projection assumptions
Module III - Identification of the company's critical assumptions
Module IV - Practical Exercises
High Skills - Formação e Consultoria
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