

PowerPoint - Principles, Rules and Good Practices

 PowerPoint is a powerful tool to support professional presentations that, when well designed, stay in the audience's memory and effectively contribute to delivering the intended messages.
This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills that enable them to prepare professional presentations in PowerPoint that focus first on the message to be transmitted and the way they want to transmit it, and then the tool that supports it. This is a course focused essentially on the message and adaptation of it to your target audience, empowering you to use PowerPoint.
Specific objectives:
At the end of this course participants will know:
• Understand when and how you should use PowerPoint for your presentations;
• Focus on the message that is intended to pass and not on the media;
• Use some "tricks" for better interaction between the presenter, the screen, the computer and the projector;
• Get PowerPoint simple but powerful slides that can effectively hold the audience's attention, even when you have to use some technical jargon;
• Use the basic graphics, drawings, and symbols available to create pleasing visuals and better pass the message;
• Use the main features of PowerPoint in practice.


1. Introduction to professional presentations
2. Train presentation skills
3. Effective presentation design - how to design a presentation
4. Create a team with whom to test the presentation
5. Exercises and / or practical simulations.

Next date: consult us
Duration: 12 Horas
Investment: Consulte-nos
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